From My Heart
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For specific topics, please see Blog Subjects in the sidebar.
Author Bookplates

by Brenda Wilbee
The old-fashioned bookplate is making a comeback.
#1 Cover Mistake for Self-Publishers: Fonts For Content, Part III
by Brenda Wilbee
Font choice has to match the genre. For nonfiction, you can't go wrong with classic. Pull out the tux, so to speak. For fiction, something a little more organic. For fantasy, well, calligraphic fonts work. The thing is, if you don't hit the mark, your title will mislead. . .
#1 Cover Mistake for Self-Publishers: Font Rules, Part II

by Brenda Wilbee
1st RULE OF THUMB when it comes to book cover fonts is no more than two. Why? It’s too much. It’s like reading amphetamines. All hopped up and chaotic and leaves you feeling a bit dizzy. You can sometimes get away with an italic of one font. But tread carefully.
Here’s a cover with four fonts. Graphic Design Basics by Amy E. Arnston is super cool for this artsy genre, but for the rest of us? Our fiction and memoirs? Not so much.
#1 Cover Mistake for Self-Publishers: Fonts That Yawn—Part I

by Brenda Wilbee
Self-publishing has its advantages, but let's face it—the hurdle to overcome is the inevitable assumption you don't have what it takes to go traditional. This may or may not be true, but one thing you don't want to do is look like the amateur everyone assumes you are. First the bad news. You do this to yourself. You go cheap on a cover. The good news? There are ways to cut costs. . .