Women's Devotional Bible
Funny story: Having purchased HarperCollins, Zondervan thought they had copyright access to my book, Taming The Dragons, a 1992 Harper publication. Unbeknownst to them, however, the rights had been returned to me when Taming went out of print. What a pickle for Zondervan to discover they'd violated copyright law! Involving the Bible! I got a rather sheepish phone call one day.
Being included in Zondervan's Women's Devotional Bible came as a surprise and honor.
Funny story: Having purchased HarperCollins, Zondervan thought they had copyright access to my book, Taming The Dragons, a 1992 Harper publication. Unbeknownst to them, however, the rights had been returned to me when Taming went out of print. What a pickle for Zondervan to discover they'd violated copyright law! Involving the Bible! I got a rather sheepish phone call one day.
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