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Why Deny Abuse in the Christian Community? PART I

I'M NOT SURE WHY why Christians persist in denying abuse—in their churches, in the families around them, in their own households.
“Not my church!"
"Oh, but he’d never…!"
"I know him!"
"The very idea," we say, a hard slap to the victim, abusing them further.
Orchid and Dandelion

Fear and Faith and a Squished Banana

My first memory is of fear—and faith.
I am three. The month is May and cherry blossoms are in full bloom. My mother and father and big sister climb the high, very wide steps ahead of me. I dawdle in the hum of bees and a breeze. The door slams shut at the top of the stairs. I startle. I'm alone!
Why I Wrote Taming the Dragons

I’m excited about the resurrection of my 1992 book Taming the Dragons: Powerful Choices for Women in Conflict and Pain. July 2020, it’s back in print but with some changes:
1) updated,
2) more stories,
3) journaling pages, and
4) questions designed for self-reflection that can also be used in group discussions.
Taming the Dragons is a book for women in conflict and pain, but also for anyone going through a rough patch, in transition, or just down on their luck. I name six choices we can all make when up against the dragons in our way, depending on what they are. I partner six women from the Bible with the Wizard of Oz, perhaps the most endearing fairy tale of our day, to illustrate what these choices are and how they work. I then tell ten short stories of women who have made these choices to better their lives and the lives of those around them. But why did I write the book?
To answer that question, I’d like to tell you a story from my childhood.
First Chapter: Taming the Dragons

TAMING THE DRAGONS: Lucy, Uncle Tom's Cabin


Taming the Dragons: Mary, Mother of Jesus

WAS MARY, fiance of Joseph, at the well in Nazareth when the stranger approached? Or was she washing butter, packing it into earthen vessels? What was she doing when a man she’d never seen before said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
I wonder, did the bucket fall from her hand, warm water splash across her hot and dusty feet? Did she drop her bowl? Did it break? Did she hasten to gather the precious butter coated now in dust and dirt? Kneeling, scooping, heart beating fast?
Taming the Dragons: Christine Wilbee

MY COUSINS WERE ALMOST HOME, pushing their bikes up the last of the hill. It was a winter evening early in the new year of 1974, and a slight drizzle hurried them along: Patty, thirteen, Christine, eleven. Lights from the kitchen window could be seen through the trees. Suddenly, a car driven by a young man blinded by the setting sun came gunning up over the ridge. Patty ran the half block home screaming. Uncle Stan, the town doctor, was paged. Christine had been in an accident.
Taming the Dragons: He Can't Hurt Me Anymore

To Mend a Broken Heart