Photo Enhancement, Sketching, Spin Off Marketing Products
Everyone loves a signed book! Bookplates speak to the professional you are. 
Marcella Jones Bookplate


Designed for members of my book launch team.
Mug by Brenda Wilbee
Postcards mark you the professional you are. They can be used for thank you's, reminders, follow-up queries, and they make great giveaways at speaking engagements.
Seattle Museum of History and Industry
Generated in Illustrator, this kind of art can be expanded to any size, handy for speaking engagements. Unlike images that will pixelate when enlarged, this vector-shaped software creates clean, sharp images that can go small or go big. It makes no difference to the quality. It's why I favor Illustrator.
No Limits poster
By far the easiest and most economical publicity you can have!
Bookmarks by Brenda
PHOTO ENHANCEMENT - before and after
Pictures say a thousand words! But putting them in your book can be a challenge. One, unprofessional photographs don't translate well. Two, we have this pesky thing called "dot gain." Ink absorbs into the paper and designers work closely with printers to minimize this. Photographs can go very gray very fast and more often than not need some light brought into them. As in the picture below.
People writing their memoirs have all kinds of family photos in a shoebox. Seriously challenging. The 1908 picture below was badly scratched and, cameras being what they were, quite fuzzy. I was able to eliminate the worst of the damage and Godfrey Victor's face looks a whole lot better.
Godfrey Victor 1908
I particularly enjoy colorizing old photos! Check out Freda Eloise! A 1918 photo!
Freda Slade Wilbee
An alternative to photographs is selective sketching. In this first example, I didn't need all the details of the men or the building. By picking and choosing white space, I was able to provide focus on the billboard and bunting of Skagway AK's infamous gold rush mob headquarters.
Soapy Smith Parlor, Brenda Wilbee sketcg
In the same vein, I sketch characters for biographical novels and—in the process of updating my own best-selling Seattle Sweetbriar Series—I stumbled across a public domain image of a Duwamish village near Seattle in 1852. The example below is a collage of character sketches and the Duwamish village. Below are pages 32 and 33 of my Sweetbriar update-in-progress. A picture is worth a thousand words. 
Herring House, Duwamish, Brenda Wilbee
Updated Sweetbriar Bride with image of Herring House - Brenda Wilbee
I'm sometimes asked to sketch a photograph for inclusion in a book. In this example, the request was for St. Terese of Juneau, AK. 
Sketch of St. Terese in Juneau, AK

Hope this gives you a good idea of how I can help you
with illustration—for your book and all your marketing products!

There are so many ways to illustrate your book for publication!

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If you want to talk with me about illustration (I use Adobe Illustrator),
I'd love to hear from you.